Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

3D Snowflake

A Lady at my church made this from computer paper.
Isn't it Beautiful?!

Monday, December 15, 2008


Oh what a beautiful time at church yesterday!

Our Preacher was Joseph and told the story in Joseph's words, It was so neat and funny in spots.

Last night was the Christmas play and it was beautiful, all the music and songs and the little kids as shepards, soldiers and angels.

We have a lady that sings beautifully and she is such a blessing. She sang "Isn't he Beautiful" Oh how wonderful that was!

Afterwards we had a get together and had finger food and fellowship.

I love this time of the year! Sometimes we get caught up in it all and forget the real meaning of Christmas. Things like this help remind us of the real reason for the season.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rain, rain

It is raining again! Supposed to rain all day and maybe some afternoon storms. Hope not, I hate storms, living in a mobil home. Sounds like it is really comin down now.

Kendra had Youth meeting last night and it was soooo foggy, you could hardly see the road.

Tomorrow is their Christmas party at the church. The 14th is the children's Christmas play.

The youth are going to have a lock in soon, also.

The 20th is her winter dance, smi formal. Alot going on right now, but I love it! I like being busy.

Sometime today I have to take my sister groc. shopping. She is blind.

Still haven't done any Christmas shopping. Get around to it soon, I guess. We are slimming it down alot this year.

This Sunday my Sunday school Class[ that I teach] is having a Happy Birthday Jesus party! They will be having a snack, we have enough for all the classes in our building. We will also sing happy bitthday to Jesus.

Well, thats about it for now, just wanted to update.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Parade

Today was our Big Christmas Parade in downtown Mocksville.
It was Cold 38 degrees! I parked the car so we could see it from the car if it got to cold.
We had Davie High school marching band and horses, tractors, and cheerleaders floats, football floats, little cars, firetrucks, church floats, Walmart had a float and of course Santa, he was the end of the parade.
Davie High had a real good marching band this year.
The streets were lined with people and kids waiting to grab the candy that was thrown to them.
All in all it was a very nice afternoon. Now Iam ready for some hot coffee and to get warm!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bad, Bad Dogs!

As I went out the door this morning to warm up the car to take Kendra to school,Teddy and Peanut ran out ahead of me. They usualy run around for a minute and then get in the car and we get them back into the house, but did they do that this morning, oh No! They ran across the road under the fence and into the cow pasture, and you know what cows do in the pasture besides eat, right. You got it! It took us 20 minutes to persuade them to come back, and now they need a bath! Bad, Bad Dogs!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Our Babys

These are our three spoiled rotten pups! From left to right..........
Sassy [ the mom] Peanut [the baby] and Teddy [the papa]
Sassy had 7 pups, her first litter. Thats a lot for the first time.
We had her fixed.
Here we see them all sitting up on kendra's old bunk bed...looking soo cute! Sassy is a shih tzu-bichion frise' and teddy is a shih tzu-terrier, so peanut is a bichion frise' shih tzu terrier! :) How's that for a mouth-full?

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Very cold and rainy here today. Supposed to get snow flurries here tomorrow.Church was great today.

seems November HAS DRAGGED out , and now December will be here and gone before we know it. Haven't started my Christmas shopping yet!

How about you?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Cows?


Happy Thanksgiving all!

November 26

And the top word for this year according to Webster is....................

'bailout' meaning a rescue from financial distress.

sure wish someone would bail me out! haha

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Saturday, November 22, 2008


I feel so blessed today, I just spoke to my Mom on the telephone.

Today is her 80Th Birthday! She lives in Wisconsin with my step-Dad.

She has a few health problems but nothing life threatening.My Dad lives in NY and he will be 81 in Dec.

He too is in pretty good health.

I am so blessed to have them still living. I don't see them very often but do talk to them. I hope I get to live that long or longer. I have more health problems than they do.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Looks nice, but...............

baby, its COLD outside!

Can't beleive its this cold already.
20's at night and 40's during the day, snow in the mts.
Looks like another cold Christmas parade, Dec. 2
One year it was 72 degrees.

This is a picture of part of my backyard. It is a big one!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This is my Kendra Nicole

Kendra is 14 years old. Pretty little thing, isn't she

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I promised a picture of Kendra and her braces, well, here it is!!! HaHa
She will kill me when she see this! What a smile!

Gas prices

I can't believe it, gas is now down to $1.96 per gallon here today!
What are some of the prices where you are??
I can fill my car for $20.00 again! If they stay down, I might be able to make a trip to NY this summer. Yeah
Been two years now since I made a trip. A lot has happened in that time, babies born, my uncle passed away to be with Jesus, my Dad has moved.
I have some genealogy research to do up there, really would love to go.
Kendra doesn't want to go, she says there is nothing up there. Where I came from is very rural , 30 miles to any major city. Stores [ what few there are ]close early in the day, so you had better plan ahead. And you had better go somewhere else for gas, the one in town is outragous!
Not any places in town to eat, you have to go to the next town if you are really hungry!
I took one of my grandaughters with me once and she wanted to go to McDonalds for breakfast. I said, you won't find one here baby. I went to the next town and got her pancakes, and she was happy.
There are a lot of things there that is beautiful though. The country side is beautiful, it is dairy country. We milked cows there for many years. Boy, I don't miss that!
But something I do miss is the snow, but only around Christmas time!.
We don't get much here, if any, and then everything shuts down til it is gone. Now Iam getting homesick!


New View...

This is Kendra again...
We are looking for somehow to make our blog look better, if you have any ideas please send them in on a comment :D
We can make a layout but cant get the content to appear. Please help...:P ~KENDRA

Friday, November 14, 2008

(this is Kendra)

Hey fellow bloggers and bloggerees! (is that a word)... This is kendra here! I just recently got braces, they're blue. They match my winter semi-formal dress! I LOVE IT! ( not the braces)
well, i guess thats it for now. Send me a comment

Thursday, November 13, 2008

sassy Girl

Sassy says hello. She is a female
Sh-Sui, mother of 7, age 3
She is spoiled rotten!Loves to ride in the car, sleep at your feet and to be babied.

Pickle Day, Nov 14

This is for Pikes Pickles.

Simply Carolina

IAM new at this blogging business , SO HERE GOES.

As I sat here today in the beautiful Carolinas, I got to thinking about Thanksgiving and all I had to be thankful for. I thank God daily for the little things [ nice day etc] but have not really given much thought to the bigger things.

I got to thinking about our service men and woman who put their lives on the line for us everyday. Policemen and Firemen also. About Doctors that save lives, school teachers who teach our children. My parents that are getting older, my church family with whom I enjoy fellowship, my friends and siblings [even though we fight, we love each other] my children, who are not perfect but worship the Lord, and I love them so much. My grandchildren that are getting older and driving already!

I also got to thinking about our four seasons, how everything gets reborn in the Spring [all the little buds on the trees] Winter and all its coldness, but beautiful with fresh snow falling, Fall and all its crisp air and falling leaves, children jumping, pumpkins and cocoa and marshmallows.

Summer, so hot, but fun. beaches and Mountains, vacation , schools out. sand, sea and lemonaide

Yes, I have many things to be Thankful for. Freedom of religon, speech, to vote.

and thankful to God for everything he does for me. John 3:16

Hope you all have a nice Thanksiving!


Simply Carolina