IAM new at this blogging business , SO HERE GOES.
As I sat here today in the beautiful Carolinas, I got to thinking about Thanksgiving and all I had to be thankful for. I thank God daily for the little things [ nice day etc] but have not really given much thought to the bigger things.
I got to thinking about our service men and woman who put their lives on the line for us everyday. Policemen and Firemen also. About Doctors that save lives, school teachers who teach our children. My parents that are getting older, my church family with whom I enjoy fellowship, my friends and siblings [even though we fight, we love each other] my children, who are not perfect but worship the Lord, and I love them so much. My grandchildren that are getting older and driving already!
I also got to thinking about our four seasons, how everything gets reborn in the Spring [all the little buds on the trees] Winter and all its coldness, but beautiful with fresh snow falling, Fall and all its crisp air and falling leaves, children jumping, pumpkins and cocoa and marshmallows.
Summer, so hot, but fun. beaches and Mountains, vacation , schools out. sand, sea and lemonaide
Yes, I have many things to be Thankful for. Freedom of religon, speech, to vote.
and thankful to God for everything he does for me. John 3:16
Hope you all have a nice Thanksiving!
What a great post. Welcome to the world of blogging. It sure took you awhile.
I know, I know. wasn't sure I could figure it out, but I Did!
Hey, did you know that tomorrow is Pickle Appreciation Day??
I guess I congratulated you on a previous comment. Ya done good girl!! Now, all you have to do is keep posting but, it's hard to think of things sometimes to post and now with two and trying to read all of the others...eeek.
Love ya,
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